Measles Information

Comprehensive Care for Low Grade Gliomas

Northwestern Medicine offers one of few programs in the country dedicated to the treatment of individuals with low grade gliomas, brain tumors that originate from glial cells. Glial cells support and nourish neurons in the brain.

Specializing in the treatment of challenging conditions, our doctors and surgeons are among the world’s leading experts. When options are limited, our experienced team is often able to offer innovative therapies and novel treatments.

You may benefit from a visit to the Low Grade Glioma Program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital if you:

  • Have a newly diagnosed or recurrent low grade glioma
  • Seek a second opinion about a diagnosis or treatment recommendation
  • Experience uncontrolled seizures caused by a low grade glioma
  • Have been told surgery is not an option
  • Need to transition from pediatric to adult care because you were diagnosed with a low grade glioma during childhood