Hip Injury Repair

Regardless of the cause of hip pain — FAI, labral tear or acetabular dysplasia — appropriate nonsurgical treatment is always recommended first. Generally speaking, this consists of:

  • Activity modification
  • Oral anti-inflammatory medication
  • Rest
  • Targeted strengthening programs with physical therapy that focus on the core as well as the spine, glutes and hamstrings.

Although nonsurgical treatments don’t correct the structural defects, targeted physical therapy may be effective because weak core and posterior pelvic muscles affect the way the pelvis tilts during weightbearing activities. An abnormally tilted pelvis can dramatically increase hip pain.

If these therapies fail to provide relief, an ultrasound-guided intra-articular hip joint injection may be recommended as another treatment option. These injections can easily be done in the office with minimal pain, no anesthesia and usually pretty quick relief. Injections often consist of a numbing agent (1 percent lidocaine) with a small amount of steroid.

In young individuals, steroid may not be recommended, as the effects of steroid on young juvenile cartilage is not very well studied. Injection alternatives include special formulations of platelet-rich plasma or hyaluronic acid, although these are often not covered by most insurance carriers.