
Patient Rights and Policies

We are dedicated to ensuring that you are treated with dignity and as an equal partner in care. We will care for you with skill, compassion and respect. You can help us make your healthcare experience safe by being an active, involved and informed partner with your healthcare team.

Patient Policies

Accessibility Online Policy

Learn more about the accessibility policy of your use of the Northwestern Medicine website and applications.

Advance Directives

Determine the type of care you want if you have a life-threatening illness. Download and complete a Power of Attorney and Living Will form.

Consent To Medical Care

This Consent for Medical Care Agreement authorizes NM to provide you medical care, share your health information and receive payment for the service provided. Other than in the case of an emergency, you must sign this form prior to treatment.

Cookies Policy

Learn more about how Northwestern Medicine uses cookies and related data collection technologies.

Digital Privacy Policy

This Digital Privacy Policy explains how we protect the privacy of those who access Northwestern Medicine digitally, including via our website and applications.

Digital Terms Of Use

Learn more about the terms and conditions of your use of the Northwestern Medicine website, applications, or other digital medium.

Employee Social Media Policy

Learn more about the policy for employees, house staff and contractors of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare.

Notice of Privacy Practices

Learn more about how we use and protect the privacy of your medical information.

Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) defines an Organized Health Care Arrangement (“OHCA”) to include an organized system of health care in which more than one covered entity participates and in which the participating covered entities hold themselves out to the public as participating in a joint arrangement and participate in certain joint activities.

Patient Bill of Rights

Learn more about what rights you have as a patient with Northwestern Medicine.

Text Message Terms and Conditions

In MyNM, you can tell us how you prefer we communicate with you. You can update your cellphone (mobile) number and other information.

Related Resources

Medical ID Theft Checklist
Learn more about how you can protect yourself from medical identity theft.

Attestation for Reproductive Healthcare Protected Health Information
This attestation is for use by entities that may request protected health information about reproductive health care. It is not intended for patient use.

This attestation is for the following requestors:

  • Law enforcement
  • Coroners and medical examiners
  • Judicial and administrative proceedings
  • Healthcare oversight agencies.

Health care providers such as Northwestern Medicine must obtain an attestation from certain requestors prior to disclosing patient information that is potentially related to reproductive health care. The attestation is required by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, federal regulations.