Woodstock Hospital Presentations


Woodstock Hospital Presentations

Improvement Day 2020

Improving LTR scores in the Woodstock Emergency Department by reducing medical imaging wait times: Patient surveys indicated that wait time for medical imaging exams were too long and LTR scores were lower as a result. By analyzing our actual wait times, enhancing medical imaging workflow and improving nursing scripts LTR increased above the 76% threshold.

Improving staff perception of safety during COVID-19: PPE coaches implemented coaching at NM Woodstock Hospital and Ambulatory sites to help ensure safety and reduce anxiety to improve employee satisfaction during COVID.

Improvement Day 2019

Improving cardiac alerts from the time of arrival to diagnosis.

Successfully implemented the Patient First Model in the Woodstock Hospital Emergency Room in December 2018. This helped Woodstock improve compliance with obtaining and reading ECGs for cardiac patients ≤ 10 minutes from the time of arrival.

Improving the door-to-transfer time for stroke patients.

Successfully decreased the door to transfer time for stroke patients from 185.9 minutes to 153.5 minutes in FY19.