Stroke Prevention

It's estimated that up to 80% of all strokes are actually preventable. By keeping in mind certain key risk factors and making lifestyle changes, you can decrease the likelihood of having another stroke or prevent stroke from happening altogether.

Managing Risk Factors

Certain genetic traits, medical conditions and lifestyle habits can increase your risk of stroke. The more of these risk factors you have, the more likely you may be to suffer a stroke.

Some stroke risk factors simply cannot be modified – age, sex, ethnic heritage, family history – but that doesn’t mean strokes can’t be prevented. Lifestyle changes can help prevent your first stroke or lower your risk of having another one. These changes include improving nutrition, getting regular exercise, quitting smoking and minimizing your alcohol consumption.

Preventing Another Stroke

Stroke prevention is particularly important for stroke survivors. As many as 5% to 14% of stroke survivors have a second stroke within one year. And this risk increases over time. This makes active lifestyle changes more important for survivors of stroke.

Taking action today to control your risk factors can reduce your risk or possibly prevent a stroke from happening.