
Treatments for Female Urologic Conditions

At Northwestern Medicine, we use a patient-centered, integrated, multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients with urologic conditions. Our specialists develop a unique treatment plan for each patient based on their goals.

Many urologic conditions, such as pelvic organ prolapse or urine leakage, are common, and women often think they just “have to live with it.” Other women may be ashamed or not be aware that effective treatment options are available. Many treatments are low risk, can be performed in the office or hospital outpatient department, and can significantly improve quality of life. In some cases, conditions may be managed without procedures or medication.

Depending on the condition, some treatment options may include:

  • Topical hormonal therapy (for example, estrogen cream)
  • Medical management for treatment of urinary leakage or frequency
  • Pessary
    • A removable therapeutic device to support pelvic organs or treat urine leakage
    • Can be placed in the office, similar to placing a tampon
  • Physical therapy to stimulate or strengthen pelvic muscles
  • Procedures may be recommended to:
    • Repair a fistula
    • Secure a prolapsed bladder
    • Remove a urethral diverticulum or cyst
    • Treat leakage with coughing/sneezing/laughing
      • In-office injection
      • Outpatient sling procedures
    • Treat overactive bladder/leakage with urge to urinate (not being able to hold urine)
      • In-office procedure of botulinum injection
      • In-office procedure of tibial nerve stimulation
      • In-office or outpatient procedure for bladder pacemaker (sacral nerve stimulator)