
Peyronie’s Deformity Treatments

The most successful and erection-sparing approach is a penile plication surgery. During this surgery, a small longitudinal incision is made at the base of the penis and several sutures are placed in the sheath of the erectile bodies opposing the direction of the curvature.

This plication (folding) technique corrects for the contraction of the scar on the other side that is responsible for the curvature. An artificial erection performed at the beginning of the surgery ensures that the plication sutures are placed in the correct spots until a completely straight penis is achieved.

The main criticism of this surgery has been that the penis appears slightly shorter than before. This is not a result of the surgery itself but rather due the contraction of the scar causing the deformity. We have observed that patients not only report a durable straightness after the surgery but many also say that their erectile function has improved.