Your Care Team

Your Care Team

You will be cared for by providers from the obstetric, nursing, and anesthesia teams. Our staff reflects the diversity of the patients we serve and we do not discriminate by gender, race or culture.

  • Nursing team: Nurses and nursing students will care for you at the bedside throughout your stay. This team will monitor you and your baby during labor and delivery, give medications, assist with epidural placement and the delivery, and care for you and your baby after the delivery. Your assigned nurse might change while you are admitted due to shift changes or breaks.
  • Obstetric provider team: Your physician or midwife will direct your medical care during your hospital stay. An in-hospital obstetrician is also available at all times for unexpected, urgent situations. Others who may be involved in your care include fellows, residents, surgical assistants, medical students and physician assistant students. This entire team assists your provider in caring for you, and those in training are always supervised.
  • Anesthesia team: An anesthesia team is present in the Labor and Delivery Unit at all times of the day and night. They are involved in providing labor anesthesia, C-section anesthesia and care for some patients with medical complications. The team includes attending anesthesiologists, anesthesia residents, fellows, nurses, technicians and certified nurse anesthetists. A member of the team will meet with you soon after admission and will review anesthesia choices with you.