Specialized Care for Co-occurring Disorders

Co-occurring Disorders Treatment

Specialized Care for Co-occurring Disorders

Millions of people in the U.S. experience co-occurring disorders. It is common to self-medicate with mind-altering substances, including alcohol, to numb the pain of anxiety, depression or another behavioral health issue. On the other hand, substance use may trigger symptoms of mental illness.

No matter the reason for your behavioral health conditions, ongoing support from skilled healthcare professionals can help you regain control of your symptoms — and your life.

Your Tools for Success

Co-occurring disorders affect almost every aspect of your life, so effective treatment must do the same. Our team will work with you to develop an individualized care plan that will help you meet your treatment goals.

Northwestern Medicine Behavioral Health Services may help you accomplish some or all of the following:

  • Withdraw from all substance use in a safe, supportive environment
  • Avoid situations that might lead to relapse
  • Motivate yourself to practice healthy habits
  • Learn coping skills to improve your mood and function
  • Develop an effective medication plan
  • Get the most out of 12-step programs and community support groups
  • Build more supportive relationships
  • Develop a healthier lifestyle

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