Home Health Care Team

Home Health Care Team

  • Registered nurses provide skilled nursing care, perform procedures, and teach patients and their families about their condition.
  • Wound, ostomy and continence nurses can provide special care for wounds, ostomy and continence.
  • Behavioral health nurses identify safety risks, recommend medications, teach coping skills and refer patients to appropriate resources.
  • Telehealth nurses assess, educate and intervene to prevent worsening of conditions/disease. They provide care over the phone.
  • Certified home care aides help with personal care, such as bathing, grooming and dressing.
  • Physical therapists help you develop muscle strength and move safely. They will teach you how to use special equipment and exercises. This will help you get stronger, recover faster and be safer with activities.
  • Speech-language therapists plan exercises and to help you communicate, swallow and improve your memory and understanding.
  • Occupational therapists help you regain the ability to do usual daily activities safely. This can include eating, bathing and getting dressed. They also determine your need for special equipment.
  • Dietitians help educate and support patient specific nutritional needs.
  • Medical social workers help you and your loved ones cope with emotions and changing needs. They can help you find other community services, such as home-delivered meals, housekeeping services and transportation.