Diagnosis and Treatments

COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatments

Last updated: July 28, 2023

To confirm a diagnosis of COVID-19, your provider may use a swab in your nose or throat to collect a sample of your respiratory secretions. A lab will then determine if the sample contains the virus that causes COVID-19.

Northwestern Medicine requires a physician order for COVID-19 testing. A list of the current testing locations and details can be found here. These locations and hours are subject to change. Please discuss your preferred testing location with your physician.

Even if you do not get tested, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should follow all precautions as though you have the infection.

What to Do If You Feel Sick

Call your physician’s office for guidance about testing and treatment if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
If you are having serious trouble breathing, go to the emergency department or call 911.

COVID-19 Treatments

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn about self-care

and medical treatments for COVID-19.