Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurologic Rehabilitation

Neurological Rehabilitation

Our specialists offer physical and occupational therapy while you recover from a brain tumor, stroke or brain injury. Services include:

Brain tumors

Brain tumors may cause changes in your cognition, strength, coordination, balance and vision. Physical and occupational therapists are often consulted to perform an evaluation and develop an individualized treatment plan.

Physical therapy will focus on improving your strength, balance and mobility, which you’ll need for tasks like getting out of bed and walking. Occupational therapy will focus on your cognitive skills and your ability to perform self-care tasks such as bathing. Your therapist will determine whether you will need adaptive equipment such as a walker or a reacher. Additionally, we often provide education about your care to your family members or caregivers.

Strokes (cerebral vascular accident) 

After a stroke, you may experience problems with coordination, motor function, sensory processing, cognition, balance and vision. Both physical and occupational therapists will work with you to develop an individualized plan of care to increase your independence by improving mobility and your ability to care for yourself.

Occupational therapists may recommend techniques to help you maximize your ability to perform self-care tasks. Physical therapist may recommend using an assistive device to help you get around.

Brain injuries

When you have a brain injury, you may experience difficulties in cognition, strength, coordination, balance and vision. Physical and occupational therapists will perform evaluations and develop an individualized treatment plan.

Physical therapists will work with you to maximize your functional mobility to help you with tasks like getting out of bed and safely walking. Occupational therapists will work with you on self-care tasks, such as dressing and bathing, while you are in the hospital. Your therapists will consult with a multidisciplinary team to determine what type of care you will need after you leave the hospital.

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