
Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

Neurogenic bladder is a term that describes any bladder that has trouble functioning properly due to nerve damage. This term includes spinal cord pathology such as myelodysplasia, sacral agenesis, tethered cord alone or associated with anorectal malformations, and spinal cord injury. Some central nervous processes such as cerebral palsy (CP) can affect the bladder. Finally, patients with posterior urethral valves, Prune Belly syndrome, and the exstrophy spectrum all suffer from neurogenic bladder as well, but due to a different mechanism of damage to their bladder.

Urologists have extensive training and experience in performing reconstructive surgeries and managing complex neurogenic bladder. Potential long-term outcomes and complications need to be managed by a urologist, including maintenance of kidney function, reducing cancer risk, and managing the after effects of reconstructive bladder surgery which may include subsequent surgeries for both bladder and bowel management to maximize the best quality of life for the patient.

Our specialists in the Northwestern Medicine Congenital Urology Program are fellowship-trained in the most up-to-date reconstructive techniques and management strategies for this condition.

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