Meet the Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Team

We are proud to support all individuals and families on their paths to parenthood. We promise personalized, comprehensive and compassionate care, from our family to yours.

Lab Director

Joan Riley, PhD, HCLD

Joan Riley, PhD, HCLD

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine


Sarah  Cromack, MD

Sarah Cromack, MD

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Lydia Hughes, MD

Lydia Hughes, MD

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Allison  Komorowski, MD

Allison Komorowski, MD

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Leadership Team (Staff)

Olivia Pahl, Program Director

Olivia Pahl, Program Director

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Kaitlin Dreiling, Nurse Manager

Kaitlin Dreiling, Nurse Manager

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Michelle Josephson, Practice Manager, Highland Park

Michelle Josephson, Practice Manager, Highland Park

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Claire  (Slayton) Abdelnour, Practice Manager, Chicago

Claire (Slayton) Abdelnour, Practice Manager, Chicago

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Kristin Smith, Program Manager, Fertility Preservation

Kristin Smith, Program Manager, Fertility Preservation

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Jennifer Stirrat, Practice Manager, Oakbrook

Jennifer Stirrat, Practice Manager, Oakbrook

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Annie Culver, Lead Nurse Clinician

Annie Culver, Lead Nurse Clinician

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Alexis Trofimchuk, Resource Coordinator

Alexis Trofimchuk, Resource Coordinator

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Anna Kleinhans, Operations Coordinator, Embryology

Anna Kleinhans, Operations Coordinator, Embryology

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Fanjing Meng, Operations Coordinator, Embryology

Fanjing Meng, Operations Coordinator, Embryology

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Clinical Staff

Mary A., BSN, RN

Mary A., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Bridget B., BSN, RN

Bridget B., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Katherine B., MSN, RN

Katherine B., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Margaret B., BSN, RN

Margaret B., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive MedicineRF
Jeanette C., BSN, RN

Jeanette C., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Anitra D., RN

Anitra D., RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Kendall D., MSN, RN

Kendall D., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Christine G., BSN, RN

Christine G., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Krista G., MSN, RN

Krista G., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Sabrina G., BSN

Sabrina G., BSN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Sara H., MSN, RN

Sara H., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Joyce K., RN

Joyce K., RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Stephanie P., MSN, RN

Stephanie P., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Alyssa S., BSN, RN

Alyssa S., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Dana S., BSN, RN

Dana S., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Amalia T., BSN, RN

Amalia T., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Malorie T., BSN, RN

Malorie T., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Tina T., BSN, RN

Tina T., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Kassandra W., BSN, RN

Kassandra W., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Procedure Team

Katherine  L., BSN, RN

Katherine L., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Danielle P., BSN, RN

Danielle P., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Collaborative Reproduction

Alexandra  E., MSN, RN, Nurse Navigator

Alexandra E., MSN, RN, Nurse Navigator

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Rita H., MSN, RN

Rita H., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Claire P., BSN, RN, Nurse Coordinator

Claire P., BSN, RN, Nurse Coordinator

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Fertility Preservation

Jennifer E., MSN, RN

Jennifer E., MSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine

Nurse Navigator

Cerelle D., BSN, RN

Cerelle D., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine
Jessica H., BSN, RN

Jessica H., BSN, RN

Primary Specialty: Fertility and Reproductive Medicine