Joseph M. Neubauer, MD
Primary Specialty
Family Medicine
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- Medical Education:
MD, Rush University Medical College - 1984
- Residency:
Advocate Health Care (Advocate Lutheran General Hospital) - 1987
Board Certifications
- American Board of Addiction Medicine - Addiction Medicine (Certified)
- American Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine (Certified)
Practice Groups and Affiliations
- Medical Group:
- Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group
- Alignment Category:
Northwestern Medicine Physician Network
- On Medical Staff At:
Delnor Hospital
Ratings and Reviews
At Northwestern Medicine, our patient’s feedback is important to us. While different care providers have their own unique strengths, we strive to be as transparent as possible with our quality of care.
Read Ratings FAQsOverall Rating
1657 Ratings
Reviews from Patients
Reviews from Patients
April 06, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr. Neubauer is one of the very few doctors who take the time to listen to his patients. He is a very calm smart doctor and I feel confidence in his care. He answers all questions and never hurries our appointments. It is always a positive experience.
March 29, 2024
5.0 star star star star starI have been blessed with wonderful doctors over the years. Dr. Neubauer has been at the top of the list His bedside manner is great - he takes time to listen, has always treated my health issue well, and always gives me excellent advice.
March 22, 2024
5.0 star star star star starDr Neubauer is amazing, and is the main reason I continue to seek care within the Northwestern medicine network. He has excellent bedside manner, genuinely cares, provides candid feedback, and is easy to bring any concerns to. It is hard to find such a down to earth doctor these days.
March 20, 2024
5.0 star star star star starHaving had the search of many visits to find the right staff and doctor for my needs, I found Dr. Neubauer to rank the highest; very punctual, assuring, getting back to me within a day. The tone he sets of friendliness, intelligence, suggested treatment and correct procedure of the road to recovery places me in having the highest confidence of proceeding further. The element of trust ranks high. Always smiles when he leaves.
March 14, 2024
5.0 star star star star starHave seen Dr. Neubauer for years. He is always very caring and thorough. Goes above and beyond when the answer isn’t simple. Spends time with me during my apt. I don’t get the feeling he’s rushing to his next apt even though I know he’s very busy. He’s a very good doc.
February 20, 2024
5.0 star star star star starFirst, he knows so much about his patients and remembers what their health care needs are, and how one diagnosis or treatment can impact another. He’s thoughtful and attentive. He listens and is so focused on what a patient tells him. He is very knowledgeable about current medical findings and provides the best advice and treatment plans a patient can get.
February 15, 2024
5.0 star star star star starHe has been our family physician since we started there. He has assisted with cancer diagnosis and death of my husband. Diagnosed my broken back and helped in the diagnosis of my breast cancer. My son has Down’s syndrome and is extremely difficult to diagnose. I trust him extensively.
External Professional Relationships
Pharmaceutical, device, and biotechnology companies frequently collaborate with basic scientists and physicians within an academic medical center to help advance science and improve patient care. These relationships are important in achieving scientific breakthroughs and in establishing the effectiveness and safety of promising new therapies. In order to assure objectivity in clinical research and patient care, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Feinberg), Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, Children's Hospital of Chicago Medical Center, and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab have adopted integrity policies that require research and clinical faculty (in full-time, part-time, and unpaid/voluntary categories) to report compensated and uncompensated external industry relationships. Patients are encouraged to discuss these disclosures with their physician as well as to inquire as to how these relationships are overseen by Feinberg. To learn more about our Disclosure and Professional Integrity Policy, and the conflict of interest policies of our joint affiliate survey partners, please go to our Office for Regulatory Affairs Policies page.