Supplemental Services

Supplemental Services

Northwestern Medicine Pediatric Rehabilitation Services Crystal Lake offers a myriad of services that enhance the core curriculum of your child’s therapy program. After-school programs focus on specific areas where your child may need additional help, such as handwriting or social skills.

Age Appropriate Activities in a Safe Environment

When you enroll your child into any of our special program groups or therapies, they will have the ability to hone their cognitive, motor and communication skills while playing games developed by therapists to build on the foundation of development through play.

Facilitated by: An occupational therapist and certified teacher in child development

Focus: Stimulate and enhance developmentally age appropriate skills in the areas of gross and fine motor skills, cognitive skills, communication skills and social skills. Peer interaction, turn taking, sharing, waiting, listening, direction following and transition skills are emphasized during all activities.

Facilitated by: A licensed speech and language pathologist and certified teacher in child development

Focus: Stimulate and enhance articulation (speech sounds), proper language model, functional use of language during cognitive and academic tasks, learn concepts and other age appropriate pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-math skills.

Facilitated by: A licensed speech and language pathologist and behavioral therapist

Focus: Use of appropriate social language, increase compliance, increase peer and sibling interactions, express emotions effectively, increase awareness of other’s emotions and feeling, increase awareness of “good” behavior, improve “listening” skills, ability to follow directions, rules and problem solve.

Facilitated by: A physical therapist and certified teacher in development

Focus: Improve flexibility, balance, respiration, coordination, cardiovascular fitness, strength, hand-eye coordination and visual motor skill to improve concentration, focusing, relaxation, attention span, mental acuity and self-discipline for academic tasks.

Facilitated by: An occupational therapist and speech and language pathologist

Focus: Sensory integration approach will be used to stimulate speech sounds and language skills. Kids will participate in a variety of sensory-motor activities that will challenge motor planning skills, use of language to label, request, protest, choose and describe.

Facilitated by: An occupational therapist

Focus: Improve hand strength and dexterity, pencil grasp, letter formation in manuscript and/or cursive, improve letter size and placement on line, spacing between letters and words, number formation. Overall increase fluency and legibility of handwriting.

Sorting, matching, patterning, identifying colors/shapes/letters/numbers, pre-writing, reading skills, recognize first and last name, become familiar with calendar and weather and understand peer relations.

Letter and number formation, read basic sight words, spell simple words, write first and last name, basic addition and subtraction, copy simple sentences and attending.

Guided reading, reading comprehension and spelling, constructing and writing sentences, addition and subtraction facts, independence with worksheets, attending and focusing during cooperative group activities.