Services Provided by the Cardiovascular Genetics Program

Services Provided by the Cardiovascular Genetics Program

Services Provided by the Cardiovascular Genetics Program

The Cardiovascular Genetics Program provides comprehensive cardiovascular care encompassing genetic testing and medical management for all forms of inherited cardiovascular diseases. Our program not only evaluates and cares for those individuals who have been diagnosed with a condition, but also works to identify relatives who are also at risk. Our goal is to make recommendations that may prevent or minimize future health problems.

Pre-visit evaluation

Prior to your visit, the Cardiovascular Genetics Program will work with you to gather medical record information, including results from prior imaging (CT scans, MRIs, etc.) tests. We will help to coordinate your visit so that comprehensive testing, if needed, can be offered on the day of your visit.

Diagnostic services

The first step in effective treatment is to properly diagnose the condition and its cause. We will review medical records and cardiovascular imaging tests and gather extensive family history to identify patterns of cardiac and vascular disease within the family tree. This review will also help us identify family members who are at risk for inherited cardiovascular disease.

Based on the family tree and clinical diagnosis, genetic testing may be recommended to identify genetic mutations associated with cardiovascular diseases within a family. Genetic testing can identify gene abnormalities associated with specific types of cardiovascular disease. As genetic testing is rapidly evolving, we keep up to date on current changes in the field and can help guide you through the process of what is most appropriate for your particular condition.

Treatment and medical management

Once a diagnosis is established, we generate a treatment plan that reduces symptoms and risk of future disease. If an underlying genetic cause is identified, we will tailor medical management based on what is known about the particular gene identified in the patient and their family. This includes managing heart failure, irregular heart rhythms and treating vascular disease.

Genetic counseling

Genetic counseling and family education are important parts of the genetic testing process. Genetic counselors within the Cardiovascular Genetics Program make sure that patients and family members clearly understand the genetic testing results and use the results to make decisions regarding treatment. Genetic counselors can also help guide patients in discussing the genetic testing results with their family members.

Preventive services

Preventing or reducing cardiac and vascular disease is a key goal of the Cardiovascular Genetics Program. Because of the inherited aspect of the diseases treated by our program, our approach welcomes the patient’s immediate or extended family members by encouraging prevention and treatment options when available. If desired, we are also available to perform genetic testing on family members to determine their risk for specific types of cardiac and vascular disease, so that recommendations can be made to lower their risk. Learn more about risk reduction.

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